Has anyone installed a second grey water with in the frame of the trailer for more grey water storage?
Jack, I've heard you can use 5 gal to put out your "campfire". I would think if you put out the fire 3 or 4 times a day you'd be okay. Never did it myself, of course.
And there isn't any reason to feel bad. I don't think there are many "tent" campers that carry their grey water to a dump site or toilet!Tree, that's one of my "creative" ways to reduce the grey water load. I use whatever it takes to make sure the fire is "dead out" (as Smokey Bear used to say). I don't feel bad doing it, and it IS only grey water!
- Jack
Easier and cheaper to carry a “blue boy” with you than trying to figure out extra plumbing. I carry a 26 gallon model with me. It has a “popup float gauge” that tells me when it is full. Just attach it to hitch ball on truck and pull to dump site.
Just a suggestion.........
Isn’t one of the solutions to pump your greywater into the blackwater tank, since the black fills up much more slowly than the grey?
You’d probably nearly double your time-between-dumps.
Pretty sure I’ve seen a post around here.
One question I have with adding a second grey tank is interconnecting them. Do you just add a crossover line fairly low in the tanks (so ideally you want them fairly close together - inches)?
Also, how do you handle/plumb draining?
Since the tanks would be at the same level I would just tie the 1 1/2 drains together
The original tanks are mounted behind the axle the additional grey water would be mounted just in front of the axle I'm looking at adding maybe 3' of pipe over the top of the axle which shouldn't be a problem