I did not like the fold down bed. A twin is no good for a grown man, plus when folded the bedding cannot stoe with it. I tried an inflatable mattress, but a pain each time, and the 3 inch foam mattress touches the roof by itself, so no bedding can fold up with it. and it is a high platform and maybe hot in summer.
So I built a platform that sits on the lower clamshell. Full size mattress now.
Started with the hinges. From HD, then cut and bent and welded back. These attach on the wall, then clear the top molding lip.
The bed hinges on these.
Hinge demo. The bed sides are cut out to clear the hinge.
The peg railing thing had to come out so the bed could rotate back. Invisible now anyway.
Full size bed frame slats. There will be a sandbox shaped sides on all 4 sides.
I had to build this, and then build the rest inside as the whole thing too big to fit through the door and turn into place.
All the screw heads are hidden except for two, and two bolts holding the hinge.
Full size bed frame with sides.
The little metal piece under the window is angled to catch the bed slats as they lower. One on each side. These pinch the frame a little to secure it and not let it move. It also hold the legs up when folded.
The hinges are bolted to the wall which is mostly just paneling (but has one screw on the top rail for some stability). The angle pieces will take stress off the hinge where it is bolted to the paneling. Stress from traveling or something moving the bed side to side.
Bed has 51 inche wide interior so not exactly standard plywood sizes.
Built-out full-size bed frame and hinged up on its legs.
Plenty of room for an RV mattress (about 4 inches thick) and all the bedding ever needed with pillows and not squished by ceiling when folded.
The purpose of the hinge is to have access to under storage without crawling around on all 4s. This makes it much nicer.
Can be lifted like this when company comes so all the bedding gets hidden away, and what ever else needs to be hidden away.
Opens the space up in the day time also.
Raido blocked, but maybe this needs a radio and speakers mounted under the bed frame for daytime use. A better radio than the stock one…
The legs have a bolt in the bottom so it sits in the existing holes from the fold-down bed legs.
I have some thick brown felt to glue to the bottom of the bed frame so it does not mar the top rails.
The board supporting the mattress is 5mm plywood, stained and polyurathened. The frame, slats and sides are all made from one 3/4 inch plywood piece, with some leftover. The slats are about 2 inches. Not for jumping, but should be minimally enough to support the weight.
4 trips to HD and could never match the stain. Original has red in it, but the red stain was too red…. I like new color better.