We need a little more information. What is your approximate location and what part of the top is rotted? Are you speaking about the wood frame in the top half? What model is your 24T Hi-Lo?
rotted frame on the half top by the cables the top buckles when it goes up. water damage inside top. this is a 1998 hi-low dont know the mod.
im in Roanoke VA photos are on craigs list Roanoke va
We need a little more information. What is your approximate location and what part of the top is rotted? Are you speaking about the wood frame in the top half? What model is your 24T Hi-Lo?
I'm sorry for my mix-up there. You already said it is a model 24T, I was meaning to ask what year it is which you just stated as being a 1998. I was having a senior moment I guess.
As Sam said, you could take it to one of the repair facilities for an expensive rebuild or if you are a good handyman and like challenges you could opt to do it yourself. For me, I don't have a place to work on a trailer nor do I have expertise to do it correctly.