my gut says, I wish we were on the phone, I hate typing, and sometimes leave something out... if you adjust the cables, too TIGHTLY, the top goes up and hits the seal, when it touches, the cylinder HAS TO BE FULLY EXTENDED and able to latch! if the top is up and hitting the seals, and it still needs to expand the cylinder, you will start breaking PULLEYS! You need to check this. I put my cylinder up to latch, let it down onto latch, walked around and check the inside levels ofthe top and bottom. I assumed the top and bottom should match all the way around, so I kept shortening the cables on mine, kerpow! broken pully. Mine's a 5th wheel and the back doesnt come up flush like other hilo's do.
Soo, what I am warning, which could mean you have shortened your cables oo MUCH, the pump is straining to make that last few inches to the latch! OR, if you are right, low on fluids becuase it is spilling out. another post from someone guessed probably somoene in a "hurry or stuck" used whatver was handy for oil to get something to go? in that case might need to drain and refill, if it is FOAMING or something!?!?!?!