I'm new to HiLo and to this forum but I need help. I hooked up the lights this morning before we were to leave to go camping. The lights all came on but there was one light on the right side front of the trailer (top) that was broken. Now remember up to this time all the lights were on. While at work my husband went and bought a light to replace this light. When he took out the screw to replace the light it was busted and it all came apart On the backside there is a white and green wires. The wires were so short he did not try and hook them up because you cant get ahold of them. So the wires were bare not taped. Then he hooked the truck up to the harness and no lights. Does this light have to be reconnected to something for the rest of the lights to work. Please help if you can because at this point my Memorial Day RVing trip is ruined!