I ordered them from ebay and received them in less than a week. 5M 3528 SMD Warm White Waterproof LED Lamp Strip Light | eBay Looking at the photos it doesn't do them justice. You could easily read at the table with them on and the great thing is the 5 meter strip can be cut at every third led to get 12 volts and the whole length only uses 1.5 amps. Should be good when using only the battery. Here's a photo looking in the window by the table at midnight. (I work 2nd shift)
Did you mount them inside a tube of some kind or right to ceiling. Bought a 5 meter string and deciding what to do with them. Either"hide" in old fixtures or mount to the ceiling.
Did you mount them inside a tube of some kind or right to ceiling. Bought a 5 meter string and deciding what to do with them. Either"hide" in old fixtures or mount to the ceiling.