Rats. Just bought 1988 with undisclosed issues

Good evening, everyone. I am trying to remain optimistic about this project tonight. Not only are we going to have to replace even more (at least 2/3 of all the upper walls) but a good portion of the roof/ceiling as well. I wonder if this thing went through a couple of hurricanes down there on the Gulf Coast!

But our larger problem is that we are still unable to title the trailer. I won't go in to the sordid details, but tomorrow I have one more visit to our local DMV to see what they can do to to help with the latest snag, and if they can't help, we are out of options.

If we are able to move ahead, there are many items that we will be removing and replacing, and if we are not able to title it, we will part it put to recover our shipping costs. So I'm going to post in the "parts" section with some of the stuff we know we won't be using.

Dang it. I thought we had the title problem licked.

Sorry a resolution could not be found. I hope this does not sour you on the Hi Lo trailer and that you will find another. You should not have a problem piecing out the parts but may occasionally repost the items you have for sale.

Best wishes.

Jerry Curtis
2406 T
Trailer restoration.

I hope you can get the title to the trailer or that the DMV can help you. If you have to go to plan "B" and part it out you will at least be able to recoup some of your money. I agree with Jerrys comments that we hope you aren't soured on the HiLo brand of trailers. A few others have bought used HiLos and then found out they had some water dammage. You are not the first person faced with trailer restoration. I have to take the city of Niagara Falls to small claims court. They came 2yrs. ago to fill pot holes and they were driving with the dump truck in the up position. They caught the telephone line that the contractor had tucked behind my siding. It did $3000.00 woth of dammage to the front of my house. Then the city wrote meup and we had 30 days to get it fixed. We got it fixed under our homeowners. Our ins. co has sent numerous certified letters and they won't respond. I made a police report at the time of the incident. Next stop small claims court. I guess we all have our troubles.
Hi, gang! I figured I would update you as to where we are in our little saga. On the remodeling front, I'm continuing to work on the walls, running the furnace and scraping the wet gunk off the walls while the wind blows and the snow flies outside.

But the real fun is with getting the trailer titled. If you recall, I bought the vehicle from a seller in Texas who "skipped" title (they bought it from someone in Alabama, but never put it in their name). The bill of sale from the AL seller wasn't notarized, but I was able to send him a letter and he was VERY gracious in having the bill of sale notarized.

So I thought we were ready to go, until I had the VIN inspection done and the VIN on the trailer and the VIN on the seller's registration don't match--there are two sets of two digits that are transposed. So we are probably going to have to post a bond to get the title, which is just so darned much fun I can't stand it.

But wait, it gets better! I actually have some of the documents from the factory, and I just checked and guess what! The VIN on the factory documents doesn't match either the VIN on the vehicle OR the VIN on the registration! It looks like there is one set of two digits that is transposed. The other set of two transposed digits must have happened later on down the road.

My advice to you today is:

1. NEVER buy a vehicle from out-of-state off eBay unless you are a glutton for punishment.

2. Go out RIGHT NOW and check that the VIN on your trailer matches the VIN on your registration & title. It's a lot easier to fix now than when you try to sell it.



Glad to hear about your update. Hopefully you will get the title mess straightened out. The good news is that your furnice is working. Brings back memories of our renovation fron Sept to the first week in February. I even took some pictures of the isicles on the HiLo. Long johns were worn. If your seal is shot you can buy some grey foam pipe wrap. On the exteriorshove it up between to help with the coldness. It really will make a big difference and help you to conserve propane. The foam sort of helps to create a seal. Inexpensive anyway. You can keep doing this even when the reno. is complete. The other alternative is to spend eight hrs. replacing the seal.
Glad to hear about your update. Hopefully you will get the title mess straightened out. The good news is that your furnice is working. Brings back memories of our renovation fron Sept to the first week in February. I even took some pictures of the isicles on the HiLo. Long johns were worn. If your seal is shot you can buy some grey foam pipe wrap. On the exteriorshove it up between to help with the coldness. It really will make a big difference and help you to conserve propane. The foam sort of helps to create a seal. Inexpensive anyway. You can keep doing this even when the reno. is complete. The other alternative is to spend eight hrs. replacing the seal.

Yup - better than spending ~$400 on a new seal and having to split the top and bottom to put it in. I bought 7 lenghts and 4 corner peices to go all the way around my 22'.
Foam pipe insulation

DH even used a marker to label pieces for ease of placement. Didn't realize the cost of the seal. Our 25fter would be even more. I would spend the $ but dh doesn't want to do this. Can't say as i blame him. If the cables ever break then it would make sense to do this repair while the HiLo is torn apart.

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