I'm looking for a quality set of extension mirrors. Any ideas? The market is pretty slim for mirrors for an 06' Toyota Tacoma. The strap on mirrors vibrate too much.
I am using the CIPA mirrors. They snap on and have a screw that applies tension against your existing mirrors and I had no vibration issues. I bought mine through JC Whitney but they are available at Auto Zone and Pep Boys.I'm looking for a quality set of extension mirrors. Any ideas? The market is pretty slim for mirrors for an 06' Toyota Tacoma. The strap on mirrors vibrate too much.
I am using the CIPA mirrors. They snap on and have a screw that applies tension against your existing mirrors and I had no vibration issues. I bought mine through JC Whitney but they are available at Auto Zone and Pep Boys.
I had some questions on the mirrors;When I first started pulling my Hi-Lo, I went through several sets of mirrors before I hit a home run! I now have and would recommend the McKesh strap on mirrors by Hensley. Make sure you also get the small convex mirrors as they really make a difference. The other thing I did was to have my wife drive her car along the side of me (going slow) just so I could get a feeling of how vehicles showed up in the mirrors at different locations as they went by (did this for both sides). Between the Durango's mirror and the Hensley's (makes for 3 mirrors on each side) there is really no spot where another vehicle will not show up in one of them.
...<snip>... You do need to be sure to wipe off the vehicle door where the mirror pad rests against the door, to avoid trapping any grit in there....<snip>...
No luck with what I was looking at , wanting a high quaility extension mirror for my Toyota Tacoma. E-mailed, the model#6130 has a base about the right size for my door, but don't know yet on the stud mounting measurements. As soon as I find out some more information I'll let you know. I may have to modify the mounting to make it work. Give me a cutting torch, I'll put a Chevy door on my Toyota!(you know what I mean, no mirrors for imports)
Hope we haven't led all you Tacoma owners astray concerning the McKesh mirrors. Hope they work as well as we expect. We're heading to the (rainy) Oregon coast next week, so will report on the mirrors.
Frank and Carol