Senior Member
What is the longest Hi-Lo anyone tows with a Tacoma? I've seen a post from someone with a 22 footer. I'm looking at a 2006, 24 footer that weighs 4009 lb. I currently tow a tradional TT (Tracer 195M) that weighs 3374 lb. and has a tongue weight of 499 lb. Of course, I have the wind drag with my current TT. What do you think? Is the 24 footer too much for my truck, when the weight is coupled with the length?
I have the Tacoma with a heavy duty tow package and a towing capacity of 6500 lb. (don't think I'd ever tow that much!).
I have the Tacoma with a heavy duty tow package and a towing capacity of 6500 lb. (don't think I'd ever tow that much!).