Mel Goddard
Hello everybody, newbie to site and to Hi Lo in general. I searched the site for info on using a toyota 4runner as a tow vehicle for a Hi Lo but couldn't find anything, so I'm posting to see what y'alls experience is. I have a 2005 4runner 6 cylinder, 4.0 liter which I would like to use as a tow vehicle. It's rated to tow 5000 lbs and am looking at a 93 HiLo FL21 which according to NADA is 3000 lbs. Am I asking for trouble trying to tow this? I've heard it's recommended that I put on a tranny cooler and even engine oil cooler. At the very least I think I should flush and refill the tranny. The 2005 doesn't have a tranny dipstick so it's hard to do a visual on the condition of the fluid(bad design). Thank you so much in advance for any advice. Cheers wmac
See my replys further on page 2.
Mel Goddard