Well, this was a 3 day project. I don't have access to the tools I used to have so every project takes days longer.
I have had this Towlite for 2 years and all ways thought the spare tire hanging out was a liability. I removed the arm the tire bolts to, using my sawsall, ground the upright smooth where the cut was made and had my son weld a piece of 11 gauge 2 1/2 square tubing to it. The tubing slides down over the upright and I drilled a i/2 inch hole through all 4 layers and inserted a 1/2 inch bolt with a holle in the end for a pad lock. The key will remain in the trailer until a need arises. I can mount the spare as original to unbolt the tire, then bolt it back on, slide it up, and rotate it 180 degrees. It clears the top by 1 1/2 inches when it is lowered.
Next project is to make the rear storage trays accessible when the top is lowered. You can't open this one unless it is up, which means re-raising the top at the dump stations on the way out just to get to the hose.

(after new bulb seals and sealing all the joints.)